
Using the as-max-len? function to check and limit sequence lengths in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(as-max-len? sequence max_length)
  • Input:
    • sequence: A sequence of type A (list, buff, string-ascii, or string-utf8)
    • max_length: A uint literal representing the maximum allowed length
  • Output: (optional sequence_A)

Why it matters

The as-max-len? function is crucial for:

  1. Enforcing length limits on sequences in smart contracts.
  2. Safely appending to lists or other sequences with maximum lengths.
  3. Validating input data before processing.
  4. Preventing potential overflow or excessive resource consumption.

When to use it

Use the as-max-len? function when you need to:

  • Check if a sequence is within a specified maximum length.
  • Safely append to a list or other sequence with a known maximum length.
  • Validate user input or data from external sources.
  • Implement logic that depends on sequence length constraints.

Best Practices

  • Always use as-max-len? before appending to lists or other sequences with maximum lengths.
  • Combine with unwrap! or unwrap-panic when you're certain the length should be within limits.
  • Use meaningful error handling when the length check fails.
  • Consider the performance impact of frequent length checks in your contract logic.

Practical Example: Safe List Append

Let's implement a function that safely appends to a list with a maximum length:

(define-data-var myList (list 5 uint) (list))

(define-public (safe-append (item uint))
      (newList (unwrap! (as-max-len? (append (var-get myList) item) u5) (err u1)))
    (ok (var-set myList newList))

(define-read-only (get-list)
  (var-get myList)

;; Usage
(safe-append u1) ;; Returns (ok true)
(safe-append u2) ;; Returns (ok true)
(safe-append u3) ;; Returns (ok true)
(safe-append u4) ;; Returns (ok true)
(safe-append u5) ;; Returns (ok true)
(safe-append u6) ;; Returns (err u1)

(get-list) ;; Returns (list u1 u2 u3 u4 u5)

This example demonstrates:

  1. Using as-max-len? to check if appending to the list would exceed the maximum length.
  2. Combining as-max-len? with unwrap! for concise error handling.
  3. Safely updating a list variable only if the length check passes.

Common Pitfalls

  1. Forgetting to use as-max-len? when appending to sequences with maximum lengths.
  2. Using a variable for the max_length parameter, which is not allowed (it must be a uint literal).
  3. Not handling the none case when as-max-len? returns an optional.
  • append: Used to add elements to lists.
  • concat: Used to join two sequences together.
  • len: Used to get the current length of a sequence.


The as-max-len? function is a critical tool for managing sequence lengths in Clarity smart contracts. By using it consistently, developers can create more robust and secure contracts that properly handle length constraints, preventing potential vulnerabilities related to unbounded data growth or unexpected input sizes.